Autumn (2) Term 2023

Please take a look at what our busy classes have been up to:

EYFS - Monkeys

Our topic this half-term is 'Celebrate With Me' We have continued to look at Room on a Broom and the children have really loved this story. We have learned how to sing and sign in Makaton the Room on the Broom song - the children’s favourite part is when the dragon arrives!

In Maths we have been exploring 1,2,3,4,5 and will continue this next week.

We have been learning how to use a 10s frame to count out amounts with the children - they have been fab at this! We have had ice, spaghetti, playdough, spaghetti painting, drawing, writing, building, wand making, small world play and a Christmas home corner!             

The children have had a great week! Well done Monkeys.

YEAR 1 - Lions

Our topic this half-term is 'Guess Who'

In Year 1 this week we have been busy learning about 2D shapes in Maths.

We have been learning to name and recognise them, and sort them into different groups according to name, size and colour.

YEAR 2 - Giraffes

Our topic this half-term is 'Time Travellers'. We have been working so hard learning all about significant people in History like Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. We have enjoyed learning about the impact these figures made on the world and how and why they are still remembered to this day.

In Maths we have really developed out addition and subtraction skills using our base ten to help us exchange when we need to.

Finally we have been very busy learning our lines and songs for our Christmas Nativity. We have been excellent roles models showing the younger how to be patient and persevere.